Attn Parents: Just a reminder, tomorrow is an 11:00 am dismissal. Students do not need to bring any items to school, unless returning items that are due.
almost 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn Parents: Wednesday,May 16th is iPad turn in day at Palmyra Middle School. Please make sure your child comes to school with iPad, charger, and charging cord.
almost 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Don't forget Panther Day shirt orders are due tomorrow. Panther Day shirts are $10 forms are in the office.
almost 7 years ago, Kristen Williams
Attn Parents: 5th Grade Field Trip is tomorrow. Don't forget to pack a sack lunch. Students will return at 4:15
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn Parents: Reminder, Veteran's Day Assembly will be 1:00 PM at Palmyra Middle School Gym
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attention Parents: Voting is open, so Vote Palmyra! Our teachers have used @cfindustries classroom minigrants, which average $300, to teach our students creatively about the world around them. Now CF is giving away a $5,000 grant to celebrate the program's one millionth dollar donated to local educators. Help us win the grant by voting at
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn:We'd like feedback on Student Led Conferences, please use the link for on the newsletter and fill out the form.
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
All Mixed Bag Fundraiser orders must be turned in no later than Thursday, November 2nd!
over 7 years ago, Kristen Williams
Parents, we need help regarding lunch money Please include: Your child’s first & last name The amount What the money is for
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn Parents: Due to threat of rain, Hannibal Band Day has been RESCHEDULED for 10/17/17
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
MS Basketball will start on 10/16/17,after school.If your child didn't play a fall sport,please make sure they have a physical before 1st practice
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn: 8th Grade Softball New for Game at Troy on 9/28 4:30 Start They do not have bleachers at their softball field so parents, please bring lawn chairs. Restrooms and concession stand are inside the building as their field house is still under construction. Directions Travel south on Highway 61 Take Missouri Exit C at Moscow Mills Turn right at the top of the ramp Turn left onto Elm Tree Road Elm Tree turns right and becomes Hampel Rd Turn right onto Adelhardt Rd The school will be on your right.The softball field is behind the building
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
8th Grade Going the Distance will be postponed until Oct. 12th because of the heat predicted tomorrow
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn Parents: 7th Grade FB will play first tonight vs Hannibal and 8th Grade will follow immediately afterwards
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attn MS Parents:We will have an Informational iPad Meeting on Thursday,8/17 from 5:30-7:00PM in the MS Gym.
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Attention 5th Grade Parents: 5th Grade Orientation is tonight,6:30-8:00 PM. There will be a band meeting for students interested @ 6:00 PM
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr
Online Registration is back up!
over 7 years ago, Kristen Williams
All incoming 8th graders need the Tdap & Meningococcal vaccine prior to the first day of school. Record of vaccine must be provided to PMS.
over 7 years ago, Kristen Williams
I hope everyone is having a safe and fun summer!
over 7 years ago, Steven Kerr