PES: If you have questions about bussing, don't delay! Mr. Wosman can help with details. Call (573)769-2963.
PES all students: Meet the teacher/Supply drop off, 3:30-6:30 Monday-08/14! Also bring your iPad pledge insurance payment & signed forms, ASP enrollment form, Free/Reduced meals app & lunch money!
The Parents as Teachers Playgroup will start on Tuesday, August 22, 9:00 a.m., Elementary Cafeteria. We hope you will stop by to play!
Palmyra R1 is looking for substitute nurses. Job requirements: current state of MO license (LPN/RN/EMT/paramedic) & current CPR certification. Contact Linda Raney to apply: raneyl@palmyra.k12.mo.us
Still need to register online? We have computers available in PES office to complete Online Reg. Call 769-3736 to set up a time this week!
Way to go PES families! In just 2 weeks, 85% of our students are registered for school using Online Registration! Need help? Give us a call!
Box Tops for Education has a promo in August! We appreciate all the families who saved Box Tops this past year & hope you continue to do so!
Hey kids! Watch your mailbox this week for a postcard from your teacher! Parents, don't forget to complete Online Reg in Parent Portal!
Marion Co Fair starts next week. PES is parking cars as one of our fundraisers! On Friday, 8/4, I am looking for 10 people to help from 4:30–6:30 & 10 people to help from 6:30-8:30. Please consider helping us! Please contact the office @ (573)769-3736 or email hillmanl@palmyra.k12.mo.us
In just one week, over 50% of our families have used Online Registration to register their kids for school! If you have not & need help logging in, give us a call @ 769-3736!
Parents as Teachers Playgroup will start on Tuesday, August 22 at 9:00 - hope to see you!
Ready to complete your child's enrollment using Online Registration? Go to www.palmyra.k12.mo.us & click SIS/PARENT PORTAL button! Forgot your password? Click the Forgot Your Parent Password link on the login page!
All incoming kindergarten students must have complete shot records on file before school begins on August 16th! Email to: lehenbauerg@palmyra.k12.mo.us or fax 573-769-4113!
Online Registration is now available for you to enroll your student for the 2017-2018 school year!
PES needs help w/parking @ the fair for 2 hour shifts Fri 8/4 & Sat 8/5. The money collected benefits students @ PES. Call PES office 769-3736 or email Lora Hillman hillmanl@palmyra.k12.mo.us
Meet the Teacher & Bring in Supplies night - August 14th - 3:30-6:30 pm!
Students will be able to view the eclipse safely on August 21st with the Eclipse Shades purchased for all students!
I'm currently looking for parents to help with parking at the Marion County Fair on Friday, August 4 or Saturday August 5. Could you help? If so, email at: hillmanl@palmyra.k12.mo.us
PES School Supply List is on the web! Check it out!
School begins, Wednesday, August 16!