School pictures are coming home w/your PES student tonight! Questions? Call Wagner @800-444-7986 or email:info@wagnerportraitgroup.com

As you plan for your week, do you need to send lunch money with your PES kiddo? Check SIS Parent Portal to find out.

A few pictures from the PAT Paw Patrol Fun night!

PTO meeting Thurs-Sept 21 @6:30 Elementary School cafeteria. Come to PTO after PES Square Dance Party @ 6pm. Come see what PTO is about

PES is holding a SQUARE DANCE PARTY Thurs, Sept 21st @6pm-PES gym. If you plan to attend, send an RSVP with your student Wednesday!

Parents as Teachers Paw Patrol Fun tonight at 6:30 pm. in the Elementary Gym - We hope you will join in the fun!

No school, Monday, September 18th - Teacher In-Service. School resumes, Tuesday. Remember to send your RSVP forms tomorrow for Family Fun Night.

K-Kids are working the Recycling Center tomorrow from 10 to 2. Members received a reminder today listing their assigned time.

Come join in the fun!

2ND 3RD 4TH grade parent night tonight @6pm in classrooms. Childcare available in gym. NO SCHOOL MONDAY 9/18-TEACHER IN SERVICE DAY

Fourth Grade: K-Kids' meeting tomorrow 3:15 to 4 in PES library. Tomorrow is the last day to bring permission slip and $3 to join.

KINDERGARTEN FIELD TRIP TOMORROW! Send a lunch AND drink as well as sunscreen. Wear tennis shoes! We plan for a fun, hot day and will return before dismissal.

Here is first grade wearing their green.

PARENT NIGHT:Thurs night, 9/14 @6pm; 2nd,3rd & 4th grade (excluding Arch & Parsons). Parsons-Tues & Arch-Wed. K & 1st grade tonight @ 6pm.

Meet in your child's classroom @ 6pm for Parent Night! Childcare available in gym Tues & Thurs during the meetings. We hope to see you!

Tomorrow night, 09/12 @ 6pm, Kindergarten & 1st grade, & Mr. Parsons 4th grade parent night!

Color of the day week 2 for first grade students at PES: Monday wear purple. Tuesday wear brown. Wednesday wear green. Thursday wear white. Friday wear Orange.

PES Homecoming Float is comig together! #pespawsproud

Homecoming & Booster Club t-shirts have arrived & are going home with students who ordered! Parade Fri@ 2pm! Normal dismissal-3pm @PES!

Parent Night will be held next week @PES @6pm! K, 1st & Mr Parsons 4th on 09/12; Mrs Arch 2nd on 09/13; 2nd, 3rd & 4th 09/14!